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How Fabric Affects the Environment
You know the saying “less is more,” right? Putting this term into context for the eco-friendly mindset: to use less of something leads to a more beneficial result for something else. Generally, this would focus on the concept of “reduce, reuse, and recycle,”; but in this article, we’ll narrow it down to the first two facets.
Reducing and reusing works hand-in-hand with each other — to reduce, something can be reusable, and thus by reusing something, the process and commodities expended on manufacturing are reduced. This system is considered the norm in a typical community, where people make a habitual and repeated use of everyday items intended to be disposed of after a few uses. In many places, the establishment of thrift shops and bazaars/markets for selling second-hand items was a resourceful and economic boon to many buyers living through a low-average income.
Even the education sector took some pointers and reused their books so that they could be passed down to other students reaching that particular grade or curriculum without going through the hassle of reprinting the whole batch again. This can be one major reason students are told to take good care of those books; they should be in acceptable condition to be passed on.
Aside from books, the other dominating resource that is being passed around is clothes, mostly on the…